Here is a photo of a dandelion plant that has a pod filled with hundreds of feathery seeds. When the wind blows, these little seeds will float up and fly off to wherever the wind takes them. Dandelions are also very hardy plants because they can survive under very extreme conditions. Most gardeners consider it a weed and a nuisance.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
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This photo brings back some lovely childhood memories. Whenever I spotted a dandelion pod, with its irresistable feathers on display, I would "blow out" the feathers as if they were candles on a birthday cake. Seeing the feathers float through the air would bring an instant smile to my face, just as your photo has. Thanks Ming :o)
I guess they grow everywhere!
I have the same problem but yours has turned out beautifully..
We used to call the seeds Fairies. Ah childhood!
"Dandelion" (dents de lion= lion's teeth in French) is a nicer name than the French one ("pissenlit", I let you look for the meaning, ah ah!).
Many of them are blooming just now in my lawn, but I don't care!
And yes, canola gives oil, I added a link about it if you want to know more.
We used to blow these when we were children. Each blow would be to tell the time; one o'clock, two o'clock etc.
I have posted today a photo of missing child Madeleine. Please do have a look at her photo? The more people who see her, the more chance of her being found. Thank you so much.
I tried to take a shot of one of these yesterday but it wouldn't turn out very good, so I gave up. Yours look nice though.
Does your camera also have a view finder like the old ones used to have? I have two Canon cameras and both use a view finder. I wouldn't know what to use the LCD for except for the information it gives me when I press specific menus.
In any event the photo of the dandelion is nice enough and the detail is good enough. I have several here that looks like your dandelion. Some people love them but an entire chameical industry got rich selling stuff to kill them and while it works today the seeds they generate sprouts somewhere else tomorrow. Good for the seeds.
My post today explains about a duck's sexual habits. Not sure if I should label it with an "X" or not.
wow, so beautiful...when you are that close up you would never guess you are in NYC
A lot of people consider the dandelion to be evil and must be destroyed, but "The leaves are more nutritious than anything you can buy. They're higher in beta-carotene than carrots. The iron and calcium content is phenomenal, greater than spinach. You also get vitamins B-1, B-2, B-5, B-6, B-12, C, E, P, and D, biotin, inositol, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc by using a tasty, free vegetable that grows on virtually every lawn. The root contains the sugar inulin, plus many medicinal substances." Read more about the dandelion here.
tres belle macro, il te faut maintenant souffler dessus "je seme à tous vents"
very beautiful macro, it is necessary for you now to blow above “I sow with all winds”
You certainly got that macro shot and a nice one it is. It's fun to play around with the camera, isn't it, and there's always a surprise or two when you upload the photos onto the computer.
so sweet. new post is up by the way.
Macro is fun. I once shot 52 photos of a tiny yellow flower which just didn’t want to remain in focus. In the end I got it but it took quite an effort.
i just want to pluck that and wave it wildy in the air
yeah, i love the macro function.
especially on food pictures! it makes food look so so so yummy!
Can just blow on it lightly and the feathers will float in the air! It gives a dreamy feel.
There is another kind of flower/plant which looks like this but is slightly longer and more oval in shape(not as round as this flurry ball). That one always seems to me like a milk-bottle cleaning/ washing brush. ;p
I love macros! It's great when you see people kinda smirk at you when you're so close to an object but you just smile and know how great the shot is going to be. :D
Good job!
Glasgow, Scotland DP
Love that Macro!
well you certainly picked one where the macro setting on your camera worked wonders!
It's a flower that is not that frequently explored yet had wonderful intricate detail, the perfect choice for a macro.
Well done!
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