
So can you guess where this photo was taken? I already gave you a clue. It was in Europe.
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oh, that's not easy at all! OK, I'll guess ... maybe it's Eastern France (Alsace or something?) or Switzerland, or maybe even some place in Germany? Austria? am I even in the right area? :-)
I think it's Amsterdam, come to see my choice today and give me your answer ;-)
Europe is too big, Ming.
I bet for Dublin.
A cheap transatlantic flight, cobblestones and that gothic church at the end -- my guess would be Frankfurt [via Lufthansa] or maybe Amsterdam [via KLM]
You write on my blog you've never been in Amsterdam, so i'll try Bruges in Belgium?
haha..first i saw the bikes..
so isnt in China??
well....no ideas if in europe.
shanghai daily photo
I thought Amsterdam too...until I read Alice's comment! How about Prague (not that I've ever been)???
Hmm, I'm stumped by that hanging decoration that looks like a "J" with a crown on it.
I would say somewhere in Holland the Netherlands perhaps Amsterdam judging from the bicycles and the hip roof construction on the buildings. The bikes and the roof sort of give it away.
My Theme Day portrait is of the "Peashooter" and the National Museum of the United States Air Force. Hope you like flying.
The facade, the many bikes, I believed this was Amsterdam until I read Alice's comment. Perhaps Brussels ?
Far-fetched but London??
Somewhere in the Netherlands for sure, right? Great shot!
Maybe in Bretagne or Netherland (btw I love the photo).
P.S. From Rome to Torino there are 600Km (~ 372 miles) = 1 hour of plane. Useless to say you will be very welcomed here !!!!
I thought of Bruges too, as Alice. it's a beautiful city indeed!
Thought I would answer your question about wisteria here. The ones I've sniffed haven't had much of a scent, although they're supposed to.
As for this post, I would say some German speaking place because of the "Kettler Alu Rad" on one of the bikes but that's a terrible deduction given people's mobility and the globalization of business. So, I don't know.
Love the photo - no matter where it was taken!
But I will guess Belgium, England, Czech Republic, Ireland, Germany ...just covering all my basis, you know ;-)
BTW Ming, thanks for commenting in SDS today but also mentioning my post of yesterday: Few people expressed themselves on this touchy subject, but one that also reveals a certain aspect of Australian life...
I go for Brussels?
Btw, thanks a lot for your comment on Istanbul Dp's 100'th post.
Hmmmmm? I think this is in Germany? Maybe Austria? goodness I don't know but I'll guess Germany. Perhaps the bikes are wrong? Okay, what the hell, Belgium....
Anyway it's a northern country. Nothing Mediterranean about those roofs.
Tell us, tell us!
Netherlands, Belgium, Northern France. OK, let's try Antwerp...
That is difficult! It is definitely not Amsterdam as I've been there.
My first thought was eastern France or Switzerland. But I really don't know!
I like the look of it though.
Amsterdam, you horndog! :-))))
Happy Theme Day from Maui!
I love your photo. This is tough! Give us a clue! Starts with a....
With those bicyles people will guess Amsterdam. But since you never been there, I would go with Denmark, Copenhagen maybe?
It is NOT Amsterdam.
It's a medieval island surrounded by a moat like canal.
I'm stumped! But I like the photo.
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