July 1st is Theme Photo Day and this month, the theme is The Color Red. One hundred (100) bloggers are participating in the theme photo today: Shanghai, China - Mumbai, India - New York City (NY), USA - Manila, Philippines - Albuquerque (NM), USA - Hamburg, Germany - Stayton (OR), USA - Los Angeles (CA), USA - Hyde, UK - Oslo, Norway - Brookville (OH), USA - Melbourne, Australia - Stavanger, Norway - Bellefonte (PA), USA - Bucaramanga (Santander), Colombia - Joplin (MO), USA - Singapore, Singapore - Selma (AL), USA - Cleveland (OH), USA - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Chandler (AZ), USA - Stockholm, Sweden - Seattle (WA), USA - Boston (MA), USA - Arradon, France - Evry, France - Baton Rouge (LA), USA - Maple Ridge (BC), Canada - Boston (MA), USA - Grenoble, France - Cottage Grove (MN), USA - Greenville (SC), USA - Hilo (HI), USA - Nelson, New Zealand - La Antigua, Guatemala - Brisbane (QLD), Australia - Singapore, Singapore - Tel Aviv, Israel - Hong Kong, China - Sequim (WA), USA - Paderborn, Germany - Saarbrücken, Germany - Rotterdam, Netherlands - Tenerife, Spain - Kyoto, Japan - Tokyo, Japan - Sydney, Australia - Naples (FL), USA - Cologne (NRW), Germany - Wassenaar (ZH), Netherlands - Saint Louis (MO), USA - Cypress (TX), USA - Ocean Township (NJ), USA - Mainz, Germany - Toruń, Poland - Menton, France - Monte Carlo, Monaco - Singapore, Singapore - North Bay (ON), Canada - Jakarta, Indonesia - Montréal (QC), Canada - Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Minneapolis (MN), USA - Baziège, France - San Diego (CA), USA - Prague, Czech Republic - Ampang (Selangor), Malaysia - New York (NY), USA - Kajang (Selangor), Malaysia - Sharon (CT), USA - Newcastle (NSW), Australia - Port Angeles (WA), USA - Nottingham, UK - Villigen, Switzerland - Chicago (IL), USA - Torquay, UK - Brussels, Belgium - San Diego (CA), USA - Mexico (DF), Mexico - Saint Paul (MN), USA - Cape Town, South Africa - Paris, France - Seoul, Korea - Manila, Philippines - Milano, Italy - Austin (TX), USA - Chennai, India - Madrid, Spain - Seoul, South Korea - Wailea (HI), USA - Toronto (ON), Canada - Ajaccio, France - Buenos Aires, Argentina - Silver Spring (MD), USA - Zurich, Switzerland - Sydney, Australia - Budapest, Hungary - Moscow, Russia - Auckland, New Zealand - Torino, Italy
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Theme Photo: The Color Red
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I thought I'd clicked on a French DP blog for a moment! Great photo. Looks a great place to eat.
Fruits the mer... Music to my ears. Have you been to that restaurant? Food is good?
That's a very attractive storefront.
Yum....my kind of restaurant!
Nice. I like the red color in this shot.
Abraham Lincoln
—Me as Moses—
Bon appetit! I am sure the food is great with a facade like this! I love your shot!
Maraï from Brisbane
I like the color of red. Nice shot.
May I have a Bloody Mary, please? :p
reminds me of Buenos Aires
Ah Bonjour! What a lovely place! I have a thing about restaurants like that, not French but with thr writing on the windows! Have you ever seen the film Fried Green Tomatoes... They put writing on the windows and so whenever I see a picture like that I think of the film! silly I know! Yippee July!
looks sooo European!:)
so french!
Oh la la! Très Parisien!
Looks very nice.
Very nice. I really like this door.
Bonjour Ming! Et bon dimanche! Do you think to eat snails for lunch ;-)?
I all understands on the photograph !!
Normal it is in French !
You love snails ??
La belle vie?Nice name for a nice restaurant.Would love to try it out.
un bon restaurant, c'est une bonne idee. La meilleure restauration à NYC ;o).
a restoring good, it is a good idea. Best restoration with NYC ;O).
I would eat here! Good choice for today.
Looks nice - and definitely red!
12,95 for a brunch. Sounds reasonable! What would be served in addition to the drinks... could not see the complete menu?
Nice pic, Ming! love that deep red color. How's everything going with you?
Good use of colour. An interesting shot.
Beautiful - I love it! I have a classic Wisconsin rural scene for Theme Day today.
Great shot.
Interesting shot.
I like this photo!
As I have been living in country, I miss so much good restaurants...
Nice pic to showcase the color red.
A glass of red wine please ... Nice photo.
Can't go wrong with a French restaurant! Tres magnifique!
Nice choice. I miss NY sometimes. The food most of all.
I don't really like the color red- dunno why. And if it's a red-themed restaurant, what kind of crowds will it attract? *curious*
Ahhh la belle vie :) Very nice facade and interesting name for that restaurant. What I don't like much are "escargots" though ;) Not really my thing. Nice capture.
Mmmm, nice post for today!
I love red. I'd paint my apt red, but I think I would get tired of it... It's nice to see red every once in a while, though...
Escargots, huitres and fruits de mer... great menu!
I actually have eaten at this restaurant, albeit several years ago. I remember it being fine, not exceptional but not terrible. But it is exceptional in the red category!
They say that the color red is good for the appetite, and this place sure looks appetizing! Bon Appetit!
I see Homemade biscuits on the sign!
Happy Theme Day Ming!
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