Most of the original buildings here were warehouses (dangerous and undesirable) in the 1970s. Then struggling artists moved into the area (cheap rent, huge spaces) in the 1980s and gentrification began. In the 1990s, SoHo became a hip and chic area and today, it has some of the most expensive luxury retail stores and condos in the city.
So what was your neighborhood like 30 years ago?
N.B.: I have been really busy at work lately so if I haven't stopped by your site to say HI, please excuse my absence. I will try to drop by when I have some time.
Definitely graffiti.
Hi Ming,
In the oppressive state of Singapore, this would definitely be considered graffiti. No questions about it. Everyone is encouraged to be uniform here and obey the rules of good conduct.
Be a good citizen, study hard and contribute to the economy. *Rolls eyes* And if you haven't yet detected a resemblance...hint, hint: North....Kor....
The Strange Republic
I love this!!! It's fun, colorful and irreverant. It has nothing to do with those nasty tags, which are just pure property vandalism.
One of the things I'd love to do is go to Long Island City to take pictures - there is a block that you can see from the elevated subway where graffiti artists from all over the world come to have some graffiti jam sessions. I just have no idea how to get there...
vandalisme pour moi. j'aime bien les fermes à graffitis du Queen's, mais là je ne suis pas attire du tout
Vandalism to me. I like farms in the Queen's graffiti, but there I am not at all attracted
that is graffiti...put it on a dress...then it's art.
i have seen the work of some wonderfully talented graffiti artists both in real life and in books (i came across a book on graffiti art in LA *LOL*). so to me, tackfully done work is "graffiti" in its simplest sense, and "art" is when it makes a passer-by stand still and gape at its beauty for a minute or so before hurrying away again :)
Well, I like it...
First, you're excused!
Second, I'm a bit doubtful; it was probably intended to be art, but ...
Third, loved the Chimneys post, and finally found someone with same views on rats with wings... but careful with ARDefenders!
Finally, thirty years ago there were no apartment buildings in neighbourhood, but the old part of the site was as it is...
Have a great weekend and see you at Blogtrotter.
Thirty years ago, my street was a cow pasture. . .Actually, 15 years ago, my street was a cow pasture! ;-)
Nice shot. . . .
30 years ago my neighborhood was the home of Beth Israel's methadone clinic, drug addicts, homeless and schlock stores. Today it's home to Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, fashion retailers and the best greenmarket in the city.
I love that. Beautiful colores
well it's kind of strange question... graffiti is a form of art
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