Saturday, November 24, 2007

Central Park Bench 5

The weather turned really cold and wintery yesterday. This photo re, taken last weekend at Central Park, presents how it feels outsidie -- chilly and dry. I had to have the humidifier on all day long because of the low humidity in the air.

So do you prefer the warm or cool weather?


Kate said...

I prefer warm weather, hands down! With a little surf and sand thrown in for good measure. These benches look very inviting, too. Such a long row!!

teahouse said...

I prefer the winter in NYC. Having grown up in the Deep South, I hate the icky hot, muggy weather.

Amazing how the temperature has dropped about 20 degrees each day for the last 3 days!

Fénix - Bostonscapes said...

Those benches are great. It's cold here too. :(

(Re: the pizza, yes. Hand tossed and brick-oven baked :)

isa said...

Great perspective! And I can almost smell the rotting leaves ;-)

Contrary to popular belief (!), I prefer cool weather. I'm with Rhoda (of MTM fame)who moved to Minneapolis because it was cold and she figured she'd "preserve" better ;-)

Bettey said...

I LOVE THIS PICTURE! Great perspective, love the curve in the benches. And I prefer warm weather... I wish we had more here in Oregon :)

Gerald (SK14) said...

another lovely low-angle bench shot - I've still not managed to take anything similar - Hyde DP has a puzzle today. I prefer it neither too hot nor too cold.

GMG said...

Cold and dry for sure, rather than hot and humid, a nightmare!
Beautiful perspective; but I'm suspect: tend to love almost everything in NYC... ;) Enjoy your Sunday! If too cold, think it over to fly to Lisbon: sunny, +11º Centigrade at 9:00 a.m.!

Left an answer to your query on preferred cities at Blogtrotter!

Annie said...

It's so inviting, all these benches in the park, though I think I might need a thermos of something hot if I were to sit there today.

I love what I call cool-warm temperatures, those where one can stand in the sun at mid-day and feel just right. Wisconsin in the summertime is perfection, or Arkansas in the Spring or Fall.

Anonymous said...

Chilly weather during the holidays is enjoyable, but during the non-holiday season, if the temperature never dropped below 50 degrees, that'd be MORE than fine by me! If the temperature never bubbled above 75 degrees year round, that also would be fine by me! Guess, I should move to San Diego!

pusa said...

very nice bench, i prefer a warm weather, i dont think i'll survive in a cold weather

Anonymous said...

i really like the angle this picture was taken.. can see the curve of the benches. good perspective.. and the autumn colours in the background.. awesome..

Jilly said...

Oh fabulous photo, Ming. Love the perspective. Somehow that perspective makes me feel I'm there and I wish I were.

I hate to be too hot but I can't bear being cold! Give me Spring and Autumn anytime but I think, given the choice, I'd have to choose warm cos I can't do a thing when I'm cold except shiver and complain! Too many years in a hot climate - I think the blood thins or the brain goes gaga!

Olivier said...

très belle perspective, bravo pour l'idée et la photo

Nice perspective, bravo for the idea and photo

Bergson said...

astonishing this length by bench!!
would the walkers they be tired quickly?

Rafe Totengco said...

nice shot of the bench. coming from the tropics I definitely prefer warm weather. btw, Rafe sample sale is next week. spread the word.

sonia a. mascaro said...

Love those benches! Great photo!

I prefer warm and sunny weather!

NormanTheDoxie said...

I like the warm weather but HATE humidity. I guess I should be living in Arizona.

Unknown said...

cool weather of course, for those living in Singapore. LOL

• Eliane • said...

Wonderful shot! Love the angle!!! Bravo.
Have a grog!!

Isadora said...

What a colorful eyeful this is. Love the endless row of benches. :)