Friday, February 15, 2008

Mid-Month Theme: Subway Day

It's February 15, which means we are having another mid-month subway day. This photo was taken awhile ago and it shows the #7 train (above ground subway) from Flushing, Queens approaching the 40th Street Stataion enroute to Times Square, Manhattan.

Subway day is a mid-month theme shared by the following blogs:

Please stop by the other sites and say HI.


stromsjo said...

Now this is one cool shot. Such a down-to-earth perspective. Happy subway day (above ground)!

Steve Cuddihy said...

I've been taking a lot of shots with my mini tripod at this low level, yours is outstanding I must say. The level of depth the photo carries makes this one a gem. Well done.

Twin Cities Daily Photo

Anonymous said...

The perspective is interesting and the guy across the tracks must be interested in what you were doing.

Peter said...

Yes, the perspective is really amazing! A late night train? Not too crowded! Nice contribution to our common game!

Kim said...

Ming, I like the ground level perspective very much, especially the texture of the yellow skid bumps. I bought a tripod that allows reconfiguration so I can get it down at this level, but haven't tried it yeat. Your train is approaching and Stockholm's train was leaving. Fun theme for you guys!

JaamZIN said...

what a great angle! I like the composition:)

Isadora said...

Love the dimension to this shot - the angle and the perceived motion. :)

Bob Crowe said...

Ah, my old home station! Interesting to see that they still have Lowery Street on to sign even though the city changed the north-south streets in Sunnyside from names to numbers - what? - 60 or 75 years ago.

Were you sitting on the floor when you shot this? Did the Transit Authority Police note your activity?

Olivier said...

j'aime bien l'angle que tu as choisi, bravo. bon weekend

I like the angle you chose, bravo. Good weekend

Unknown said...

i have not seen train stations like this for a long time.

did you leave your camera on the floor or on a tripod?

Ming the Merciless said...

I placed the camera on the floor to stabilize it and used the slow exposure (night mode) photography to take this photo.

Chuckeroon said... deserve praise for this one , MIng. Very nice.

marley said...

Great picture! I love the lights of the oncomming train and the yellow strip of paint :)

Rafe Totengco said...

love the perspective of this shot

teahouse said...

Hooray for the above-ground train in Queens!

Pat said...

What a great image. Laughing at Abraham's comment about the fellow across the tracks looking at you. Were you lying down?


Guelph Daily Photo, My Photos.

Anonymous said...

oldmanlincoln: People tend to look at you quite shamelessly when you crawl around on the ground at subway stations.

Ming: As always, a good one!

NormanTheDoxie said...

Great perspective you captured there. I've never been to that station, but I did take the #7 one time.

Kunterbunt said...

Cool shot. You've chosen a great perspective.