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Friday, February 1, 2008
Theme Photo: When People Think Of My City...
Posted by
Ming the Merciless
12:01 AM
Labels: Crowd, Lights, Theme, Times Square
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Yes, that's right. When I think of NYC I also think of Central Park and Seinfeld. ;D
Have a good one, Ming!
fantastic shot ming!
I think of the amazing skyline, albeit an incomplete skyline these days. Oh, and Dylan's Candy Shop too!
Of course NYC evokes lots of images....empire state, twin towers, all the wonderful things you have shown on your blog....but this is a fabulous photo and catches so much of the mood of NY as well as the "things".
People people people!!!! When I was just in Hong Kong 2 weeks ago, this is the kind of scene I bumped into :O
Maybe that's why they have a "Times Square" too :P
Gong Xi Fa Cai!
When I think of NYC, I think Bryant Park!
...and the MOMA!!
When I think of NYC, so many things come to my mind! Times Square is one of them, of course. Have a nice day, Ming!
Great choice...masses of people!
Port Angeles Daily Photo
pour NYC tu avais le choix, mais Times Square est en effet le centre touristique de NYC.
Bon Weekend et surtout Les Giants Champions
NYC you had to choose, but Times Square is the tourist center of NYC.
Good Weekend and especially The Giants Champions
for me, NYC is the central perk.. I mean park! and yellow cabs.
great shot of a busy NYC street!
Ah, great choice as it shows what NYC is all about - the buzz of humanity. I love the energy of NYC. There's a noise, a feel, a smell to it and you've captured it perfectly. it really is the city that never sleeps.
After reading "The Cricket in Times Square" as a child it came as a great shock to find out that the square wasn't, well, square. GReat shot.
Not surprised by your choice! The "perfect" photo Times Square!
That is exactly how I envision your city to be..... BUSY! Neat photo, I like the movement of the people.
wow, great shot!
a real busy big city =)
That's a good one! That's what I think of, that and an apple!
You captured the energy of the city very well!
NYC reminds me of the term Big Apple and that reminds me of Apple as in the Mac Apple. LOL.
Happy Theme Day!
I love keropok man's comment!!
Yes, people do tend to think of Times Square when you mention NYC.
Yup, that's my idea of NYC! Great photo, it says it all!
Great photo of a great city!
Fabulous photo! However, when I think of NY, I think of FOOD and restaurants...I always want to eat my way through NY! :-)
Way too true. Yours is a great photo especially with the crowds.
Ubiquitous! Times Square really does sum up NYC. Theater, food, hustle, subway, traffic, congestion, construction, nightlife, NASDQ, and of course a million tourists.
There are so many things to choose for NYC, you've made an excellent choice!
When I came to NY a couple of years ago the cab bring us from the airport to the hotel went right through Times Square and it was amazing. Thanks for the memories.
I love to visit Times Square when in NYC - nice photo!
Wow! That's an awesome shot. You've really captured the essence of Times Square. It's so lively in this photo. Have a great weekend!
Yes, I would say the people and the energy, which you captured so well here.
So many things come to mind...Central Park, Rockefeller Center, Empire State Building...
I'm glad it was your decision to make ;-)
Great photo, btw.
YES Excellent choice for this theme.
There are so many things I think of when NYC is mentioned - Statue of Liberty, Manhattan, 5th Avenue, Apple Store, Central Park, Friends, pizza and Serendipity.
But I suppose Times Square is also important because that's where you have the countdown to the New Year.
Great capture of the busy-ness!
A Pinay In England
The Goddess In You
Norwich Daily Photo
I love the crowds. Great shot.
Oh how I love Times Square. If I could afford it I would buy an apartment right in the centre of it all :)
I would say I absolutely agree with you....and another fabulous shot...way to go MIng.
People and more people!
Yes, and tall buildings. This is very nice night shot!
Yes, exactly! Times square entered my mind many times even in the movies and tv shows, NY is portrayed ba the Times Square. Good day!
I love how so many tourists are snapping photos!
This is a great image for our theme day. I also think of the Statue of Liberty and the Brooklyn Bridge, the Empire State and Chrysler Buildings, and Harlem.
Seattle Daily Photo
I love Times Sq, but I hate crowds. I usually visit it on quiet mornings....
I understand that people who live in nyc don't tend to hang out at Times Square .. they kinda hate the tourists there .. is that right?
I love that would look great in my apartment.
I know I'm terribly in late but I couldn't let pass this wonderful photo and what NYC evoke to me. First of all it recall to my mind all places I've been from WTC (sad but true) to Planetarium passing by Guggenheim and ESB. But where I "felt" New York was exactly there: Times Square. Thank you Ming.
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