I would like to introduce everyone to
Wakamaru, a domestic robot (that does household chores), made by Mitsubishi of Japan. He is currently visiting New York City and staying at Uniqlo (Japanese version of GAP) in SoHo. He can be seen walking around and greeting customers at the store. I had a delightful conversation with Wakamaru and I hope he enjoys his stay here.
So have you met anyone interesting lately?
i wish.
He is all I want for Christmas!
a domestic robot !what a good idea is the robot for sale ?
haha. I guess it's only a matter of time before everyone has one of these and we're living like Star Wars.
He does chores?! I want him!
a male domestic robot???
Does he have a yellow dress on?
and he converses too?! what did you guys talk about? ;)
Well send that yellow cleaning dude right over. I am getting so lazy now that I've retired.
Someone interesting? Why yes. Just got back from brunch with the S man himself. I told Santa what I wanted under the tree and he said he would get him for me! I believe!!!!!!!!
You had a conversation with him?! That must have been hysterical! Robot greeters in stores, whatever next?!
Oooh, so what kinds of household chores does he do? Can he do dishes and fold laundry? Those are my two least favorite chores.
cmon, what did you talk about with him Ming? His crush on R2D2?
I wonder if they rent him out?
I have a teenage son who is always making new friends & teenagers are very interesting people!
C'mon, Ming! Publish that transcript :)
Boy, could I ever use one of those...please in yellow!
What do you talk about with Wakamaru?
Too much.
I remember buying something from Uniqlo before. It was in Shanghai.
I love him.. I want him. I need him.
All I want for Christmas is....Wakamaru....PLEASE!!!
REALLY! wow damn i am utterly envious you gots to meet him. what did you both talk about, i'm curious!
Can he cook, clean, fold the laundry, build a shelve, do the shopping, etc? If so, he can move in right away!
Fantastic! He does domestic household chores! I want one for sure! Great!
cool....I want one too.
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