I was walking down Lafayette Street in the East Village when I saw this interesting lock mechanism on the Vespa's handle. Vespas have always fascinated me and I have professed on this blog my fantasy of owning one one day and cruising down the street (of the Amalfi Coast in Italy, perhaps) on it. Hopefully, my dream will come true soon.
In the photo, you can see my reflection on the back of the mirror. I have just bought a copy of the September 2008 issue of
Vanity Fair with Carla Bruni-Sakorzy on the cover and was trying to juggle between holding the camera and the magazine while taking this photo.
So what magazine have your read lately? Do you have a favorite?
I like Slate magazine. I also have a subscription to Foreign Affairs for Christmas.
Do you plan to take a picture of the Summer Streets on Park Avenue?
Next weekend. :-)
les vespas, cela fait très rétro, et ça me fait penser aux vieux films italiens en n&b
the vespas, it is very retro, and it makes me think of the old Italian films in B&W
A Vespa yes, but a yellow one!
I have several subscriptions to magazines, news magazines and my favorite meets together many features (is "articles" better here?)from many foreign newpapers, magazines about houses and gardens, and I've been a suscriber to Living for several years.
Ming, I like your shot today and immediately got a vision of you zipping through the French Riviera with Carla along for the ride!!!!
I just read a local magazine I like very much. It's called Portico. My granddaughter was pictured so of course i had to snap up a copy.
I never saw a great idea such as that locking clip on the handle. Cool! I like "Rolling Stone " Magazine, and, admittidly embarrassing, "People".
Very clever shot, it's sort of a self portrait.
I read VF this weekend except for the LA Times bombing, which I think I'm really going to enjoy.
I also get the New Yorker. I like Harpers and NY Observed. There's also a nice little magazine called The Sun which I think I should start getting again.
Chuck over at Seattle would love this. He is the Vespa man!
I was just going to say, give Chuck over at Seattle a look at this. He just rode his Vespa into Montana from Seattle. Some 1100 miles.
Nice shot Ming...I can see your magazine and a bright red shirt! Very cool your dream.....It'll happen if you really want it to.
You just have to know I am a Victoria Magazine kind of lady...have a great week.
BTW...those little scooter are really popular here on the beaches..
Ming, thanks for showcasing this neat looking lock. My old '64 has no lock and this would be a great addition!
See you next month...
I love Consumer Reports!
And when we were in Italy, we saw Vespas lined up together all over the place. All different colors, like a candy store.
I need a pink Vespa.
Reading just these days: New York Magazine, Schweizer Illustrierte, Smithsonian and Lettuce Club. Another fave is Vanity Fair which has not arrived yet.
PeekABoo. I see U!
i wish i could buy korean magazines, but i'm damn broke
Hey, Ming! I want a Vespa, too! I would prefer a red one.
Aqua blue, Or black, south of france.
Empire, I am am a filmholic.
I want a Vespa too!! Just the logo makes me droll. I don't even need to drive it - I use it as a scupture in the fabulous loft I'll own when I grow up. Oh and, vintage if possible.
Aaaah....Vanity Fair is my favourite too, but I'm always at least 2 months behind, as the current issue (which is air freighted to Australia) costs almost AUD20.00!!!!
Cool shot.... I see you in your red t-shirt :-)
My favorite mag of the moment is Dwell.
That's pretty cool, and a really good idea.
I'm becoming a real tighty with money so I don't tend to buy magazines unless I'm extremely bored and need something to entertain me. I usually go to the public library and read them there! LOL!
I like the Gardening Australia magazine, Horsepower (although it's a bit childish it still has some good articles in it) and Cleo magazine...coz well, I'm female!
That's such a clever lock.
Magazine that I read this morning is Martha Stewart's Living. (hope you not going oh my gosh!)
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