When I was in high school, there was another kid who looked very much like me, especially from the behind. My friends called my doppelganger the other me.
So do you have a doppelganger?
Welcome to the city that never sleeps!
Posted by
Ming the Merciless
12:01 AM
Labels: Columbus Circle, Structure, Unisphere, Upper West Side
Yay!!! I can read my blogs again!
I think I remember seeing the original, I can remember seeing something like this before but I don't think we've got anything like that down here...so it must of been your blog!
By the way I've tagged you! Come on over for the details.
OH great, I am the first and MOST CLUELESS one in the whole bunch. Maybe I'll just pass until some other more with it blogger weighs in and I can figure it all out. I like that shiny globe. I'll be back tomorrow Ming.
BTW, how are the plans coming along for the "State Visit" from Le Roi????? Hmmmm???? I'm serious, Team USA is counting on you guys to make us look good. If he's not happy, we could all be history! No pressure here.
You don't even want to know what I'm doing up at this time of night. I must have many "doppelgangers". Strangers often tell me I look just like, their cousin, aunt,friend, neighbor or sister. One lady in an elevator last year in NY ask me if I was Laura Linney's mom. I felt pretty good about that but not sure how Laura would like it.
My husband won a trip to Europe and the 1965 Worlds Fair in Flushing Meadow. His company had an exhibit there- the huge dinosaurs.
Have a great day.
je n'ai pas trouver de traduction pour "Doppelganger", alors si un francophone passe chez l'ami ming, une petite traduction merci.
J'adore cette sphère.
I did not find the translation for "Doppelganger", so if a francophone friend goes ming, a small translation thank you.
I love this sphere.
What a beautiful pic!
Great shine in this photo!
Not really...but people always say "oh, you look just like (insert current famous strawberry blond)!" Like, for example, Nicole Kidman...ha! I wish! ;-)
The unisphere is very beautiful !I have no doppelganger so far ...
Good picture!
The first thing that came to my mind on seeing this was Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged!!!
Maybe, but have never met him... ;)
Maybe the Unisphere will be copied as much as the Statue of Liberty?
To Olivier
A doppleganger is a "sosie".
Ming, when my wife and I were riding the train down from Montreal to NYC last Sunday, there was a woman on the train who swore that we BOTH were twins for a couple she knew in Germany. So, guess that would make her friends "doppelganger" to the second power :)
This globe is at Columbus Circle, right?
Wikipedia has a good definition, and so do most hand-held dictionaries:
Years ago, when I lived in Paris, friends told me that they kept encountering someone who looked exactly like me—she even wore a red raincoat (as I did). Unfortunately, though I looked for her in my neighborhood, I never saw this "other" me.
Is Virginia talking about Eric from PDP? We will make you proud, Virginia! (Especially Ming, who is charm personified.)
Ming-- I love your comment-- I can't believe I've been somewhere in NY that stumped you. Both photo's were taken in the Childrens Zoo just to the north of the regular zoo. I'd never been there and since both zoo's are paid with admission to one of them we scoped it out. It has a petting zoo and was really fun. I don't think I'll ever grow up. Thanks for your comment.
"So do you have a doppelganger?"
oh, for their sake, I hope not!
Hey, I live near this!
I never had a doppelganger as a kid, but in law school there was this other girl people used to confuse me for. Actually, this is planting a seed for my next blog post...
Yes. Who. Can't say as I'm the anonymous blogger. Let's just say sang babooshka and cross her with scarlet o'hara(plus temper, pout and black hair) then that's my mine. Gary is Tony Soprano. Superb shot again.
my doppel is bill clinton, I have heard that all over the planet. Must be the nose.
no one can pass the moment (look at that unisphere), it's so exciting..
FYI, your comment approval does not seem to work: you've lost my comment again. Or maybe you disapproved it? ;)
One of my comments didn't get approved either. Golly!
Oh, I hate that thing... It's SOOO Donald Trump-ish... It is garish and tacky and doesn't fit the warmth that once evident in architecture on the West Side...
Great picture, Ming!
I have a twin sister... this answer your question? Lol!
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