Thursday, June 7, 2007

Elevated Subway Trains

Although most of the subway tracks in New York City are below ground, there are some that are elevated or above ground like this one in the photo (Queensborough Plaza). The above ground subway tracks can make a lot of noise and affect the property values around them.

The most desirable apartments in the city are usually those that are between 2 to 4 blocks away from the subway stations. In addition, the availability of support businesses like grocery stores, restaurants, cafes, dry cleaners, book stores and cinemas can significantly affect the value of the properties.

I live about two and a half blocks from the nearest subway station and my commute to work takes about 50 minutes. How long is your commute to work?


Pat said...

{{{big grin}}}

About 10 seconds!

I get out of bed and go down to the basement where my computer and office is!

When I went to work teaching bus driving many years ago, it took me an hour over lovely country roads to another town.

Lovely photo!

My PAD and
Guelph Daily Photo

Rasa Malaysia said...

Ming, I look my pictures with natural lights...but the trick is shooting them in RAW format and adjust the brightness using the Canon's amazing what you can do with it. I learned the trick from Real Thai. :)

thwany said...

ohhh, good ol' queensborough plaza.

thwany said...

and my commute is an hour and 1/2 on a bad day. i have to ride a bus from main street. the 7 isn't so bad, it's the bus that kills me.

Emilieee said...
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Emilieee said...

The building beside the station is magnificent. And I'm sure it certainly makes a lot of noise and has brought some unwanted problem to the neighbourhood.

I'm now resting at home after having one week of part-time job. Back to my part-time days, my commute to work took me around one hour. Not to mention if we had technical problem - we had to wait longer for the commuter.

Sally said...

Conjuring images there of those NY and Chicago-set noir movies - the lonely single guy drinking, the flashing neon light, and the elevated railway past the window...

My commute is a 10 min walk, then 13 min on train, then 5 min walk. Seems longer on the way home!

Olivier said...

j'aime bien le metro aerien à NYC, car on peut en meme temps voir la ville, l'evolution de la ville selon les quartiers.
Pour aller à mon travail : en voiture 15 minutes, en train (RER) Quarante cinq minutes et quand je suis en forme en velo 30 minutes (grace aux raccourcis)

I like the elevated railway with NYC, because one can at the same time see the city, the evolution of the city according to districts'. To go to my work: in car 15 minutes, in train (the RER) Forty five minutes and when I am in the shape in the bicycle 30 minutes (thanks to the short cuts)

Fabrizio Zanelli said...

Oh I need 1 hour and half to go and the same to come back. I work out of the city and I need car+train :-(

sonia a. mascaro said...

Seeing your photos and reading your blog I improve my acquaintance about NY City! Love it!

stilettoheights said...

my commute to work is about 18 steps, because my studio is in the other room, I am blessed like that.

before that my commute to work was a 10 minute walk.

Anonymous said...

I have a 10-minute walk to work. That's one of the things I like the most about living in downtown Toronto.

I am so fortunate that I can afford to live downtown and don't have to live in the 'burbs!

Barry Ditto

Unknown said...

It took about 20 minutes by bicycle from my flat and office. But I used to take very crowded trains for commuting. Tokyo's trains in the morning are so crowded!!

Anonymous said...

I like your photo and also your story that goes with it. I suppose then this would be the ideal place to buy because the cost would be cheaper than other locations.

Abraham Lincoln
Remember "The World's Ugliest Cat?" He got a haircut!
Brookville Daily Photo

Missy,Mrs and Mum said...

My commute used to take about 15 minutes when I got on the bus, waiting on the bus also took 15 minutes! Typical! Got back from London yesterday, haven't been there since having the m.e and I forgot how crazy it is on the underground. Everyone is rushing from place to place and there was me with my walking stick trying to keep out the way! I bet its the same in NYC! hope everything is wonderful there, al

Rafe Totengco said...

with traffic, 10 min. max.

Bob Crowe said...

When I lived in your neighborhood years ago, I had a 45 min. commute to high school in the Bronx - #7 train to Grand Central, #2 train north to 139th St. and 3rd Ave. in the south Bronx, then what was left of the old Third Avenue el to Fordham Road. My family moved to Bergen County NJ just before my last year of high school and then it was 1.5 hours each way - bus to Port Authority, the back north on - was it the D train? - to Fordham Road, then a long walk down the hill.

Now it takes 15 - 20 min. by car in STL. Unfortunately, this is about to get much worse. Later this year, the Missouri Highway Department will completely close a long stretch of our main east-west highway and rebuild it over 2 or 3 years. We expect chaos.


St. Louis Missouri Daily Photo Blog

poody said...

by car,45 minutes to go 14 miles in Austin Texas! GRRR!

TCho said...

If I'm really hauling it and catch all the trains at the right time, and walk really fast, door to door I'm 20 min.

I actually miss my old commute which was a bit longer and had no transfer points. Main reason being that was my prime time to read. but on my new commute, i'm getting up and down too much while transferring trains, that I don't get to do too much of that on my commute.

GMG said...

This «elevated» it's quite nice, though maybe a bit noisy... But the amazing water depo in the middle of the picture is a NYC trademmark!
15 to 30 minutes (driving, depending on the trafic), 30 to 45 using public transportation...

Oh for the love of food! said...

HA!HA! You never cease to crack me up, Ming!

Ming the Merciless said...

TCho - Same here. I used to work in Brooklyn and lived in Astoria. I would jump on the N train and get to work in an hour with no transfer.

Now, I have to two transfers on the trains and it's a pain.

Lorraine Woodward said...

I miss NYC incredibly, but my commute right now is . . . eight minutes. I drive up the street, and there I am . . .

Shammickite said...

I stayed in a cheap hotel in Queens many years ago, right by an elevated subway linbe.... didn't get much sleep!

AinZ said...

well, since you've asked -- this is where I get to brag about the wonderful Zurich public transportation: 10-15 minutes door to door. 25 minutes if I walk. If I were organized and Swiss, I'd memorize the times when the trams are supposed to come by, and would show up at the tram stop exactly 1 or 2 mintues before, cutting down my commute by about 5 minutes. But normally I just show up whenever I'm ready, and wait about minutes max for 1 of the two trams. depending on which one comes first, sometimes I have to transfer, sometimes I don't.

Todd HellsKitchen said...

25 minute walk.

Keropokman said...

to work from home, its 3 mins walk to the bus stop, then a 8 mins bus ride. then change bus for another 5 mins bus ride.