Saturday, June 9, 2007

My Vespa Fantasy

I have a fantasy! In it, I ran away to the Amalfi Coast, rented a little villa by the sea and bought a Vespa, like this one in the photo above, to zeep around town. The strange thing is despite my fascination with the Vespa, I don't know how to drive a motorcycle. Maybe one day, I will have the courage to run away to Italy and learn to ride the bike.

Vespas have become very popular in New York City in the last five years or so. A lot of yuppies are buying them because they are a cheap and convenient mode of transportation in this compact city. There are even Vespa Clubs where members meet regularly at cafes to talk about their bikes.

If you could run away, where would you go?


delightful-d said...

With these gas prices, my husband would like to drive one of those to work!

If I could run away??? hummmm.....I would love to go back to the Cayman Islands. The white sand, clear blue water, scuba diving.......beautiful!

Oh for the love of food! said...

Hey Ming, where's the full view of the Vespa?? Actually, I also have a Vespa fantasy (it used to be a Harley Davidson Fantasy 20 years back!) and in it , I'm Gina Lolobrigida and Ming is Rock Hudson. Have you ever watched 'Come September'? It's one of my favourite classics along with 'Rebel without a cause'

Anonymous said...

I like your photo introduction to the story. Very nice.

If I could "run away" where would I go? If I could take my camera I would head back to Japan. What a paradise for photographers that is or was 50 years ago.

Bel said...

I too have a fixation with Vespas. My uncle had one when I was younger - he went through a "mod" phase - so I'm sure that's where my love of them started. He was always so cool!

If I could run away, I would actually head straight to New York City and step into my office at Conde Naste and into my role as Editor of Vanity Fair magazine.

Hmmmmmm......something to work towards in my next life! ;o)

Unknown said...

Oh, fantastic Vespa!! When I was staying in London on the last weekend, many Vespa riders are in a park close to Regent's Park. Vespa seems to be popular in London, too.

Jilly said...

Ming, run away! Do it! You only have one life. I've started several new lives and everytime I was scared shitless but it would have taken more courage to say No. Always easier to say Yes. Think what you might have missed. That was always my fear. What will I miss? Do it! Every change in life makes you grow and then you wonder why on earth you didn't do it before?

Mind you, New York is pretty neat, as Americans say.

Jilly said...

Oh I forgot - where would I run to.

Greece. Or Italy.

Todd HellsKitchen said...

I don't want to go anywhere...

jeremyDP said...

the vespa, the coolest vehicle in the world. I go in Italy this summer, I can manage to bring you one if you want. On a photo, of course ;p
If I could runaway : I'd like to go in Iceland or spend some time in New York

Bel said...

Ming, I should have mentioned this great book I read some time ago. It's called Vroom with a View by Peter Moore - a 40 year old Australian who bought a Vespa off ebay then rode it from Milan to Rome in search of La Dolce Vita. I think you'd really love it. Just saw on his website that a US version is available. Hope you can find it :o)
Peter Moore

GMG said...

Hi Ming, don't know if you have already been to Amalfi, but I tell you it's a crazy drive with all those Vespas coming on the wrong side of the road... I posted my experience at Blogtrotter under the label Costiera Amalfitana!

Nathalie H.D. said...

Vespas are also becoming very popular in Paris but are very few in Sydney.

You don't need to go to Italy to learn to drive one, I'm sure you could do that in NYC! Come on, treat yourself to it, you know you want it!!!

Fabrizio Zanelli said...

I'm sorry I missed this shot that involve me for several reasons. I know Vespa (even if I'm not a good motorcycle driver), I know Amalfi coasts and, of course, I'm Italian.

Well, run away? Oh there are many places where I'd love to fly to. To sell books by Rizzoli on 31 W 57th St NYC, to live in some Greek island...

Suz. said...

I'm with you! I love the idea of riding a vespa in Italy -- the Amalfi Coast would be wonderful. I'd also like to further explore the south of France on a vespa. :)

Rafe Totengco said...

Who doesn't have a Vespa fantasy? Mine recurs everytime the weather gets warm.

Peter said...

Thanks for your recent visits to my blog. I have seen your "name" all over in comments, but have not yet taken the time to spend some time on your blog, which I of course regret when I see the contents of this one (and as everybody else, I of course love NYC). I will definitely try to add you to the list of blogs I more frequently visit!

Living in Paris, I have the same thoughts as you; buying a scooter. I just took three hours of refreshment training. Let's see!

kuanyin333 said...

I posted my answer to this question in today's post!

TCho said...

Back to Sydney and play tennis all the time.

Keropokman said...

hmmm i will run to my bed and sleep whole day long. haha..

i ran to bangkok last week for a week's holidays. realise there's no Bangkok DP!