Last year, two cable cars were stuck for over 5 hours midway through the journey after the stations lost power. Emergency generator power did not kick in and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) had to fly a specialist in from upstate NY to fix the problem. The cable car service was subsequently shut down for months. It was returned to service only recently.
So do you have a fear of height? OR do you have any phobia?
What a view. I've never seen a photo like this from New York before. Great shot!
superbe vue, j'adore. Aucune phobie sur NYC. I LOVE NYC.
superb sight, I adore. No phobia on NYC. I LOVE NYC.
I fully agree; great shot!
I wouldn't love to be stuck for five hours on a cable car, even if it is over NYC!
If you would like to see a completely different kind of environment, just have a look at Blogtrotter.
A really beautiful shot indeed. I don't have any fear about height but I am not able to go on border of a cliff or walk on a roof
Manhattan, Long Island City, Queens... all the word familiar due to films and dramas but never seen with my eyes. I'll definitely visit NYC soon once it is confirmed that Korea is included to the visa waiver program.
I have a rat phobia.
I have this credit card that says Manhattan. It has a picture of the Manhattan skyline on it.
I am sometimes afraid of heights, but... I used to live in a very high up apartments, i love to climb bridges, eg the Sydney and Brisbane bridges, climb the tallest peak in South East Asia. Am I mad?
wow this is my first full view of manhattan. great
Oh my! You went to Roosevelt Island? How courageous of you! I do like that cable car though. I think I have a healthful relationship with heights: not too scared, not specifically searching for the high sensations. I am, however, always fascinated by the window washers outside of my office window (45th floor). That is a job that I would not take without a serious salary increase. Actually, I am not sure there is a salary that I would agree for that.
Do you ever get amazing shots!
I fear to fly! I fear others things too! LOL!
I so want to ride this!I didn't know one could! I heart me some NYC!!
Heights are my “phobia”! Thanks for getting this kind of shot while I stay firmly grounded.
Wow! What a pic! In other words, "What Slinger said!" As for phobias, creepy crawly things don't make my tummy feel fuzzy inside.
Hey!! I take that cable car often to play tennis on Roosevelt Island. I do have a fear of heights, but I've gotten used to that particular ride.
Look at all those skyscrapers. And, the highway in the midst of them, almost looks out of place or like prime real estate where more skyscrapers could be built.
i took the cable car to Roosevelt Island for the first time about a month ago. I can't believe I had never done it before.
Roosevelt Island is a weird place.
Very nice view.
Awesome view and photo, but SO glad I wasn't one of the people stuck in those cable cars! I'm terrified of heights :o(
Blood isn't one of my favourites either - if I see someone cut themselves, even if it's just the slightest amount of blood, it makes me go all weak and squirmish!
I've never heard of cable cars being in New York before. More education provided by Ming! :oP
I love the photo
Beautiful photo! Silly as this is, I did not KNOW NYC had cable cars! Very interesting!
I am not afraid of heights. . . I would love to take a tour of the city up there, however, as previously mentioned, I would NOT like to be stuck up there 5hrs either:)
Thanks for reminding me about these cable cars... I didn't know they were running again, and I've always wanted to ride them!
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