Here are the other 108 bloggers who are participating in the photo theme this month:
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That's alright Ming. I understand how busy we all get. Me included...haven't been doing much commenting or visiting either until theme day! Your photos are always incredible...with that extra edge!
Oh I love this! Great choice for today and I so agree with Kuanyin, your photos always have this extra something. They tell a story.
I smiled at your Waverly and Gay street signs. I remember when the word "Gay" was used in books, newspapers and magazines but nowadays you still see it but the context has changed a lot.
I didn't participate this month as I found nothing worthwhile to photograph among the few street signs and lights that we have where I live. Maybe next time.
It seems like a "happy" place ;-)
Love the colours in the photo! Good choice of signs, too.
And how fine it is that the street sign shows the way to one and all.
I like the colors of the building behind the well as the window box.
That's a very pretty corner, very gay too. But mostly very NYC. Nice!
I like the colors of the street sign. And well, it doesn't matter me if it's a Gay street - it just looks simply wonderful. =)
Which came first, the street or the ....
-steve buser
New Orleans Daily Photo
Very pink ... I raised the question of if a man should wear pink on my blog recently. I came to the conclusion that it is okay ... now after your photo I'm most likely not going to wear pink this evening.
Oh good pick! And pretty colors of those buildings. Ineed to catch up - I was a lil' busy this week and missed all your great posts!
Love that photo, Ming! Just beautiful corner!
Is it Gay as in Happy?If it is,then it is a merry name for a street.
Nice photo Ming, interesting street name, and it looks like one can only go one way on gay.
Nice choice! I like the colours of the building behind the signs.
definitely wont happen in Singapore. LOL...
Happy Theme Day!
how very interesting.
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