I saw this guy wading inside the Bethesda Fountain in Central Park last weekend. At first, I thought he was a homeless person fishing for spare change but he kept walking around the same area looking for something very specific, like someone who had dropped an expensive diamond ring in the fountain. The weather was really cold that morning so I can only imagine how it feels to be wet and cold at the same time.
So what do you think he's looking for in the fountain? His youth, perhaps?
je sais pas si le pêcheur va pouvoir trouver beaucoup de poissons ;o)) bonne photo.
En réponse a ton passage, la photo ou je suis en fantôme, aucun trucage photoshop, juste en jouant avec le temps de pose au moment de la photo.
I do not know if the fisherman will be able to find many fish ;o)) good photograph.
In response a ton passage, or the photo I am ghost, no Photoshop trickery, just playing with time exposure when the picture.
may be people thrown coins into the fountain and he is looking for them...or he is looking for his own reflection ;)
It happens. People do things like this when they suddenly lose their mind and look for it.
Like you said, he appears searching very intently for something he dropped off in there!
Good picture!
Someone got angry and threw something personal in? Too bad this guy didn't have one of those buckets with the plastic/plexigalss bottoms people use for beach combing. He prolly would have found "it" a lot quicker.
You're and astute observer of human behavior, Abe!
i don't know if all your recent shots were taken with your new camera, but they all look even more than usually fantastic!
curious scene here. well spotted.
funny as i have a similar shot to upload of a man i saw in the sea the other day. still have no idea what he was up to.
Was this person wearing waterproof boots? Why just a tee shirt? Could he have been a Parks Department employee or an environmental inspector? I'm clueless.
You raised a good point about the "God Hates Shrimp" poster in your comment on my post yesterday. Carolyn supplied the answer. I just added the info as a footnote to that post's text.
He's looking for the engagement ring his girlfriend threw there when she saw him with another girl LOL.
It was a marriage proposal that went horribly wrong! Its amazing what you can see when your out and about in New York!
He's just searching randomly for . . . whatever some fool tossed in the fountain!
And you, Ming, what are you searching for?
His cell phone, of course! He was leaning over the edge of the fountain and it slipped out of his shirt pocket...splash! That's how I lost my last phone...ploof...into the sea!
So, why didn't you inquire?
Great instantaneous, Ming! I don't know... perhaps "three coins in the fountain", did you know this Italian music?
Wonderful photo!
Love the photo. I can't imagine what he is looking for.
Will you be telling us if he fished something out of the water?
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