Thursday, January 31, 2008

Jilly's Postcard

Jilly of Monte Carlo Daily Photo and Menton Daily Photo sent me a beautiful postcard earlier this week. This was the first postcard I have ever received from my blogger friends so now, it sits on a special place in my apartment -- my refrigerator door.

Notice the jar of papers on top left of the refrigerator? That's my collection of home-delivery/take-out restaurant menus from the neighborhood restaurants. Now the secret is out -- I don't cook.

So do you have a special place in your apartment?


teahouse said...

My whole apartment is a special place. A special cluttered place, hahahaha.

tigerfish said...

Right now, I don't have a special corner. Back in California, I like every part of the house except the washroom! buahahha!

Fénix - Bostonscapes said...

So you could be a great food critic then.


Oh for the love of food! said...

Your secret was out a long time ago, my friend! HA!HA! Do you ever get tired of eating take-out food? What's your favorite?
I like every room in my apartment, but I guess my favorite is the Lounge because I associate it with REST ;o)

Olivier said...

tu en as de la chance, tu vas faire des jaloux. Je fais comme toi, tout sur le frigidaire ;o)

You have good luck, you will be jealous. I would like you all on the fridge ;o)

Peter said...

I just changed my refrigerator, so for the moment the door is empty.

Letters and postcards are getting rare in our e-world. Nice when you now and then still receive!

edwin s said...

great postcard from jilly (you lucky thing you!)

you have any Malaysian take-out menus?

Shammickite said...

I love getting postcards. I have a box that contains every postcard I have ever received ever since I was a kid at school. I think these postcards represent a small history of my life! I always send postcards to friends and family when I'm on vacation but sadly I think postcards are becoming a thig of the past.
Perhaps I shall have to blog about it!

Shammickite said...

OK so I'm a packrat!

Jilly said...

Oh Ming, how fabulous you have displayed the Roquebrune postcard. What a thrill for me. Well, you deservedly won it in the competition. Reading some comments, I think I'd better have another competition soon and send out more postcards. (Note: you will see NYCity Daily Photo is mentioned on Menton DP today).

I answered your query on Monte Carlo too.

To answer yours, I love my bedside table always piled high with books, and therefore the promise that books bring, but really the whole place is a special place - meaning clutter.

Isadora said...

I'll trade you some chop sticks I've collected for some Quaker Oats. The oat meal hear simply does not cook :)

I've a drawer that I keep restaurant take-out menus, chop sticks, ashtrays, matches....

Cheltenhamdailyphoto said...

The windowsill in my bathroom, where i have some Chanel carrier bags full of girly face and body creams etc.

NormanTheDoxie said...

Ming....I have the perfect gift for you which someone got for me....a takeout menu organizer. Check it out here...

fyi....I don't cook either.

Sally said...

I'm having trouble getting beyond the vast white landscape of your fridge door pre-postcard! No magnets, no notes from school, no local council reminders, no

b13 said...

My gaming/computer room. When we bought the house this room was pink. It was since painted white but it will always be "the pink room."

Keropokman said...

I also have postcards from quite a few fellow bloggers on my previous fridge.

Now the fridge is full of magnets from the cities i have visited. :-)

You want a postcard from Singapore too? haha..

Anonymous said...

My special place is my little library.

And the roof. I love sitting on the roof and do nothing.

• Eliane • said...

But you know how to prepare instant oatmeal. That's a start. ;)