So do you prefer older buildings with small windows and solid walls or contemporary buildings with all glass windows and no walls.
Note: Check out this amazing photography project/site entitled New York Street Shots, which highlights the work of some super talented photographers in New York City.
If I had to pay for cleaning the windows as building owner I'd opt for flat panels. But since I don't own any buildings other than my house, I definitely like the interest of and light giving properties of windows!!
Oh dear, things aren't looking too good for Eliane I think, even Eric (Paris) has removed her blog from his long list of North American link! I wonder what exactly happened because Eliane isn't the sort of person to go on an extended holiday without updating herself on the blog, right?
Anyway, Ming, are (were) you from Malaysia?
That's a very good but though question. So, I like large windows, when I am inside, but I am also attracted by solid walls of old architecture... From the outside, there is no doubt I'd vote from this type of building which is much nicer.
I love the pre-war buildings! They have so much more character than the new ones...
I love the architecture, design and detail of old buildings. Teahouse is on the money!
i love the look of the older buildings with the small windows. i like the feeling of history and kind of charm of an old building. Stability-wise, the steel may be the way to go...
i think you mean 8th street, correct? the same block as kmart?
i used to work in this building, it's very nice.
I like the building style.
I have no particular preference for old or new buldings, as long as there is an architectural effort behind!
Ming, I think I prefer the older buildings, although I've only worked in contemporary ones with lots of glass. I've visited buildings from the early 20th century and find they are built to last and have details that are charming to me.
(PS, Eliane posted to her Flickr site on March 3. I left a message there saying we were hoping all is well. No response yet.)
I do like the angle from which you took this shot.
I used to like the contemporary buildings, but I think I'm leaning towards the older ones now. However, if I were in a hotel room in a building with floor-to-ceiling windows, I would probably love it to death.
Hi Ming,
I got your link from Carol's blog. and WOW these are amazing pictures of NY. I haven't been there yet, but always wanted to! and your pictures make me want to go there even more :)
take care!
I prefer the older buildings for their style and character. That said, I wouldn't mind living in one of those all glass towers, especially the Richard Meir condos on Charles and Perry Streets.
No preference as long as the overall design is not an eyesore :P
But I do not really like buildings with full glass windows and no walls, esp if I am not the on-looker. As the person inside the building, I find no privacy!
Old buildings are best, they have more character.
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