Meet my new neighbor Charlie, a 4-month old pug whom I met during his afternoon walk recently. It was very warm and humid outside and poor Charlie was exhausted so he plopped down under a shade and decided to rest his poor feet. His owner tried to coax him up but he refused to move so she had carried him home in her arms. What a lucky guy!
So what is your favorite thing to do on a warm, humid summer day?
i'm a sucker for a good dog photo - cute!
I pretty much do what lovely Charlie does, only in front of an air-conditioner with a cold glass of water. Poor pup is still too young to walk so far!
Cute. In hot humid weather I feel like flopping down in the shade and waiting for someone to carry me as well. Trouble is, noone wants to.
awwww, charlie's such a cutie.
and i agree with uselaine, i like staying in and sitting absolutely still in front of the tv while basking in air-conditioning.
Lovely dog, so friendly (un carlin, in French).
Warm AND humid can be very hard to stand but, luckily, in Brittany, it's very rare.
il est mignon, il va craquer tous tes visiteurs.
it is cute, it will crack all your visitors.
the pugs have suddenly become popular in india too ... (thanks to a TV commercial of a telecom operator).
Nice weblog of NY
Awwwwwwww..Charlie is soooo cute!!
Well it's hot and humid here, all year round.. when it gets extra hot, I always look for a cold drink or ice cream.
Aw how cute there's something a Pug that is adorable, not to fond of the heat and the humidity myself though I prefer to sit in the air conditioning either at home or work, either one works.
Cute guy!
To cool off in hot weather I ride a scooter, of course :)
Cute and smart dog:)
Stay inside for sure.............
Whoops, sorry Ming. I posted the hot day question on yesterday's in error. Love this little pug. A real beauty.
As I wrote on previous day, I'm in Utah at the moment - 107 degrees! but at least a dry heat. Answer to question - swim in my friends' pool.
Awesome dog!
It doesn't have to be humid, but when I need a break- some good conversation and a cold beer work just fine for me.
Ohhh, now that is a cute puppy. Arent all puppies cute? Now I think Pugs are much uglier at adulthood but they are interesting in their own ways and are sure unique dogs!
My favorite thing to do when its hot and humid? I'd share it, but I don't think a blog could handle it. Lets just say it involves ice, and my sweetie, haha :) Oh and ice cream is always required, Dairy Queen especially in summer. Do you have DQ's in New York??
When we moved to Las Vegas, our Cairn Terrier used to do that all the time. . . .walk one block, sit down and refuse to move. I always had to carry him home.
On hot, humid summer days. . . .write in the cool, air-conditioned house.
Eat an ice cream!
It sounds like this little chap got his way in the end!
What a sweet dog! Sweet tea and a shady tree are my tools to cope with humid days.
Ice cream, cold jack daniels and coke, feet up, ipod on. Not that we get them much here. Charlie's a real cuite, who wouldn't want to oblige him.
Ming...cute photo of Charlie...he is a pampered little guy, I can just tell...You can probably guess what I do on a warm humid day and we have been having many...I'm either inside in airconditioning or out in the pool :)When I lived in New York, I remembered the firemen opening the hydrants and the children would play in the water....
It's really hot in LA right now...so turn on the AC, stay inside, trying the new green citrus iced tea and reading. Too hot to venture out until evening.
That pug is way too cute. I'd take him home-maybe not carry him though.
I have two grandpugs, Willie and Ivy (whom we call Fifi). A tip about pugs: they can't take the heat. They can last about 2 minutes then the panting and snorting starts. Definite AC dogs, especially in the south. Thanks for sharing Charlie with us. He's precious!
ooh, I love pugs. He looks hilarious.
Take a cool shower and relax in a ac room...
Sometimes, beer helps.
Charlie looks adorable and sure, he is a lucky guy!
I love NY and your blog is great reminders of places I've been and seen and long to visit again. Have not visited since 1999.
Charlie is so cute and he should not be outside in the heat. I have a beagle and he refuses to walk in the rain or in the heat. He will do his business outside the door and run back in where it is cool and comfortable.
I do like to remain in an AC room and read or do my blogging or ebaying with an iced sugar free green or peach tea.
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