This are the cookie shelves at the Starbucks Cafe inside Barnes & Noble at Union Square. A good friend of mine gave me a couple of Barnes & Noble gift cards so this is where I've been spending my weekend afternoons -- reading magazines and books with a cup of
caramel macchiato or
chai latte.
The place cards in front of the cookie trays display the prices and names of the treats, as well as the dietary caloric information. Most of the brownies and cookies here have between 400 to 600 calories a piece.
So would you rather have a cookie or an apple for a snack?
i like chai latte too!
choose between cookie and apple, i choose cookie.. they're more attractive n more varieties to choose from.
Really silly question. Nice photo.
Oops, as a snack - I'll take the cookie. Not very healthy of me but...
Pour les cookies, je préfère ceux de chez "Milk & Cookies Bakery" dans Greenwich village, les meilleurs de NYC. C'est évident que pour un régime, il faut mieux éviter d'en manger trop, mais ils sont tellement bon.
For cookies, I prefer those from "Milk & Cookies Bakery" in Greenwich Village, the best in NYC. It is clear that a regime, we must better avoid eating too much, but they are so good.
It's nearly lunchtime here so I'll have the cookie and the apple, thanks!
Last time I went into a Starbucks, UK, the food was not as nicely presented as this...
Starbucks is OK, but I have a bit of resistance against these chains that soon invade all the place! Soon we will not know if we are in NYC, Paris or Bejing when we go out for something to shop, eat or drink!
I'm unable to answer your question: I like cookies AND apples!
Ming...these cookies in Starbucks are staring you in the face each time you go in for a coffee...nothing wrong with a cookie...the Brits have been doing it for years with tea :)
yummy photo.....
Life is all about balance, my friend: Choosing the apple often enough that when you do choose the cookie, it is [a] a genuine treat that you really savor and [b] not something you beat yourself up about. Citibank had an interesting ad as part of its live richly campaign sometime back. The headline said something like, "If you splurge every day, it loses its meaning."
Even though I live in the figurative Starbucks corporate shadow, I rarely go to their shops unless traveling through an airport. That caloric load is 25% or so of my whole day! Whew!! If that's not a deterrent I don't know what would be!
YUMYUM! I love Cookie's! But resist buying them in the supermarket but do occasionally have a Starbucks treat!
Oh I want one now!!!!
I vote for a cookie! Wow, 600 calories....maybe I'll change my mind. I forgot that the chain stores in New York have to list the calorie content now. I guess that's a good thing. The treats in your photo look delicious!
You know, if you break a cookie in half, all the calories fly out, so problem solved :)
So, I am totally voting with my wallet when I vote for an apple snack.
You took a nice photo of all the treats.
As much as I love chocolates and sweets, I'd have to go with the fruit. An apple would be my last choice, though. Too pedestrian. Pineapple, raspberries, plums, grapes, cherries? Yum, and I'm so there!
Great photo, by the way. I love the lighting!
One of those espresso chocolate chip brownies would really hit the spot... Thanks!
Yummy post! I'd rather a cookie but I'm a good boy so eat apples more. Cookies and cakes at the weekend though! :)
I'm going to Greece for my holiday. I'll catch up with your view of NYC when I get back. Bye for now :)
cookie of course
Did that one have RED VELVET CAKE? The Starbucks/B&N between SoHo and the World Trade Center did. I've never seen Red Velvet Cake at any other Starbucks.
oh my god to display caloric info of those tempting items is such a big turn-off!! thank god the starbucks in this region don't do that @_@
do u have coffee bean in nyc?
knowing the caloric amount of certain foods has DEFINITELY stopped me from being so indulgent.
I'll have a glass of water.
I was in Starbucks last week and when I noticed the calorie count I was STUNNED!!! Forget about the desserts....a palin bagel i1 330 calories, and the Grande Cappuccino....120. I ended up ordering a Caffe Americano.....15 calories.
Not sure how this would fit into my "Beach 2009" project! ;)
I'm on a diet. No snacks for me!
I like those plates.
First, I'm surprised they let you take the photo in Starbucks. Here they freak out.
Here's something I found out about the desserts: I don't eat sugar. They have a sugar-free banana cake thingy. . . .450 calories per slice.
If you add whipped cream, it will add a MINIMUM of 100 calories to your drink.
The regular syrups are 70 calories/pump.
First, I'm surprised they let you take the photo in Starbucks. Here they freak out.
Here's something I found out about the desserts: I don't eat sugar. They have a sugar-free banana cake thingy. . . .450 calories per slice.
If you add whipped cream, it will add a MINIMUM of 100 calories to your drink.
The regular syrups are 70 calories/pump.
COOKIE of course, but I'll force myself to eat an apple for my bikini body.
I will alternate between cookie and apple. haha..
Am I a glutton? ;-p
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