This composite photo of Manhattan's skyline was "stitched" together by combining 6 separate photos using the "stitching technology" in my point-and-shoot camera.
[Click on the photo to see the large format.] The photos were taken on the rooftop garden of the Metropolitan Museum of Art (MET) on 5th Avenue and 86th Street on the Upper East Side.
The museum abutts Central Park on three sides so you can see the green mass of trees at the near bottom of the photo. The buildings in the background is the skyline of midtown Manhattan, along 60th Street where Central Park begins.
So when was the last time you visited a museum?
Oh Ming, what an amazing panorama vista. I've seen info on "stitching" photos, but don't really understand the process. You did a great job!
Last time for me in a museum was last spring in NYC.
Doris in LA
Fantastic job youv'e doen with stitching this panoramic. Stunning overview.
Museum this week to check out the viking connection to the Isle Of Man which are this weeks theme.
Beautiful vista. Went to the museum about two months ago. The Neue.
I especially like the sky on the RHS - very threatening.
I went to a museum on Thursday just gone - Macleay Museum at The University of Sydney. Later on that day I figured out that the having two publicly available museums (or is it museumi?) means that the University qualifies as a charitable institution for taxation purposes. Phut!!
Well aren't you just the coolest technolgocially advanced creative soul!
It's wonderful.
Awesome picture!
Very dramatic shot. I've never tried to do anything with "stitching technology" (don't have it now anyway), but you have obviously mastered the technique. Great job!
Blather From Brooklyn
Oh, last museum visit was running into the Jewish Museum on free day (Saturday) a couple of weeks ago because I couldn't find another public restroom in the area. Does that count?
Blather From Brooklyn
Thanks for sharing this nice panoramic view. And the effort of putting the pictures together.
The dark clouds which were gathering on the right corner caught my eye. Reminded me of some scenes in those natural disaster movie - before the disaster strikes.
My last visit to a museum was 2 months ago, in seoul.
Nice picture. Perhaps using a tool like Hugin might be easier next time and eliminate the stitched effect.
Plus it's free.
Nice job of stitching (and nice photo. I just noticed that I have that on one of the photo programs installed on my Mac.
Last museum: Frist in February, I think.
I actually was right there last week - gave my last tour of the season.
So, no cocktails, Ming?
superbe panorama, cette vue est magnifique.
superb panorama, this view is magnificent
great view. I can't wait to see it someday when I visit New York! Did a storm arrive from those clouds?
I've been deliberating on a new camera...checked out a friend's Nikon and liked the feature that you could take photos more quickly if you wanted....but this click and stitch is also really cool. What camera is this that you use?
WOW Ming! That is one AMAZING photo!!!! I've not heard of stitching technology before, but with results like this, I think I should look into it further!
A cafe I often go to is attached to an art gallery. Does that count??? :o)
Few weeks ago! But that was because I was on a holiday. ;-)
I gotta learn how to do that.
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