However, the march that day was different in that they were voicing their opposition to the city's plan to redevelop the northern part of the public park (Union Square) into a commercial enterprise, i.e. a new restaurant space -- as stated on the sign saying, "Keep Union Sq Park Public" and the green outfit with yellow hard hats.
So have you ever been in a "social disobedience" or a march to protest a cause?
N.B.: Happy 4th of July everyone.
I don't know anything about this park but it does sound like a good cause. Public parks are important lungs of the city.
Happy July 4 to you as well!
Oh, yes, many!
Thanks for visiting me while I was away. I’m back now after a lot of adventures, 1000+ photos and the dreaded feeling of “back to real life” . Time to get back out ‘n’ about in Sydney now….
je trouve qu'ils ont bien raison de protester. la dernière marche que j'ai fait, c'etait pour la libération d'ingrid betancourt et je suis content de la voir libre.
Je te souhaite un bon 4 juillet.
I think they have good reason to protest. the last step that I did, it was for the Liberation of ingrid betancourt and I'm glad to see her free.
I wish you a good July 4.
Hi Ming! Great to see Union Square active. And furthermore just in front of one of my favourite restaurants... ;)
As to your query, at least hundreds! Don't forget I lived in Portugal before and after April 25, 1974 (and was 24 on that date... ;))
Picture of Pier 17 is great!
Thanks for your comment on Blogtrotter, now on its last post on Santiago de Compostela! Wish you a great 4th of July and wonderful weekend!
And a wonderful 4th of July, to you, too!
hm. this is more development than Luna Park? Luna Park is commercial already.
There can never be enough parks in NY, so I don't understand the desire to take away from them.
I'll have to read the link. Thanks Ming!
I find it funny that a person would wave around a potted tree rather than a sign, but whatever gets the attention and the point across!
Happy 4th, Ming.
Happy Fourth to you too! That one lady looks like she'd welcome a restaurant.
It's good that people can express their opinions through such campaigns.
For my country, it does not work the same way. Protests and rallies really create more distruption than developments. Change just needs to be brought about in a different way here.
Hmmmm, that's JUST what NYC needs - less green, more concrete. Go figure.
Loved to see the comment by gmg; of course he was there! Tell me a nice place and restaurant where he hasn't been! (I have also been to Union Square, but not to the restaurant!)
My last march was for Ingrid Bettancourt and the other Farc hostages. She and some others are now free!
Happy 4th of July from Canada!
Oh, good God! Are there not enough restaurants in NYC?
Once when I was in college, I took part in a sit-in in front of the academic dean's office. I have no idea what we were protesting, but I remember having been there not too long when someone came by and told me I had a phone call or a visitor, and I got up and left. I guess I was pretty dedicated, no? :-D
I guess i should add that in the 31 years that I've been married, I've had to keep my mouth pretty much shut because of my husband's job. . . . However, now that hes successfully unemployed (i.e. retired), I can speak out a little bit more.
I read the article on the link, and stopped dead at "cut down 14 trees" because I had to excuse myself from polite company to say some expletives. Trees are the lungs of the city, and parks are its heart. What are they thinking?! Oh yeah, follow the money.
Hope you have a good 4th, Ming. Keep those photos coming!
Free speech and democracy and the right to protest is a must. I have been on far too many when I was younger nad in the UK, but not so much here. Last and only one here, to keep the local hospital open, and we did.You really capture the heart of your city, the good the bad and the ugly, and most definitely the truth.
When I lived in Gramercy Park I spent every Wed. & Sat. at the market there. Now when I visit every few weeks I sometimes walk through. I'm thinking the pavillion could use an overhaul. Hopefully with proper planning, maybe something like Bryant Park where office workers feel free to take a nap on the lawn during their lunch! Personally I find it sad when trees are cut down. It sounds like the neighborhood may be watching out for them.
& yes I have participated in many a march.
no, they are 'not allowed' where i live. LOL....
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