Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Upper East Side Statue

I saw this statue of a woman and a little girl tugged in a tight corner between two huge buildings on the Upper East Side recently. As you can see, the space behind the statue was used as a trash collection area and the statue looks neglected and unappreciated.

I wish I had taken a close-up photo of the scroll that the little girl is holding to get more information about it. Maybe next time I'm in the area, I will stop by and get more information about the statue.

Have you ever felt neglected? How did you deal with it?


Bob Crowe said...

Hi, Ming. The sculpture has a sweetness I don't associate with NYC. The situation seems to say that innocent charm has been swept into the garbage can.

My son ran the half marathon in Detroit Sunday. Detroit has amazing, vast industrial ruins. Andy and I have pictures of dome of this on our Flickr sites. There are links on my post today.

Anonymous said...

Surely there is some information on this fine sculpture. It is a shame that it is stuck where nobody can see and enjoy it. Why don't you send the image to the local newspapers.

Kate said...

This statue is indeed lovely and should be preserved in an area without clutter and trash cans. You have a good eye. For more info on the early St. Paul name, Pig's Eye Landing, I added information on the post (see link below). It's interesting and fun to read: http://www.lareau.org/pep.html

Jilly said...

Ming, this is just charming. Would love to know the name of this sculpture and who did it - well as you say, if you are passing one day.

Think we've all probably felt neglected from time to time - or even more often. You learn to cope, to get strong, to deal with it. If you don't, you go under.

And Ming I left a message for you on 'Menton at Dawn.' It says 'red carpet laid out for you, anytime!'

Fénix - Bostonscapes said...

I love the color of this statue. Very spiritual theme, too.

lv2scpbk said...

It would be nice if they would take this out and put it somewhere it can be enjoyed.

Oh for the love of food! said...

Hi Bud, this Statue is lovely - If no one wants it, I do!And I thought I was sleepy..(I stayed up till 2.45am to put up a post and had to wake up at 5.50am to get the girls ready for school!) .. your post title says " Upper East Side STATUTE, not 'Statue' like you intended, rest up, my friend!

Ming the Merciless said...

Thanks Carol, for noticing the spelling error.

Yes, I was not 100% there when I posted today's blog.

teahouse said...

Yeah, I felt neglected just after my little sister was born! She was like this cute little doll, and everyone paid attention to her and kind of forgot about me for a few hours..I was very young and very jealous!

• Eliane • said...

I hope the statue was not put there with the trash to be picked up.
Your questions are turning very philosophical. I am am too tired to philosophate though. ;)

Todd HellsKitchen said...

I think you and I should go over and rescue that statue...

Where would we put it??