Tisserie is one of the few places in New York City that makes and sells its own french macarons, which should not to be confused with the American coconut macaroons. Macarons date back to the 18th century and are made with flavored cream fillings sandwiched between two disk-shaped meringue cakes. The meringue cakes are light and delicate, with thin crisp shells and soft cushiony centers; and the fillings are sweet or tart depending on the flavors. The best macarons in the world are reportedly from the reknown patisserie, Laduree in Paris. In Switzerland, macarons are called, luxemburgerli and they are sold by Sprungli.
Do you have a favorite pastry?
wahh , ming, tsk tsk, go closer, I need macro shots of the lovely pastriessssssss !! :)
Ah...les macarons de Ladurée...! Un délice! But this patisserie seems to be nice also, i think my French friends who live on 14th street, just near Union Square, sometimes come here.
oh i love this patisserie....wonderful looking pastries!;)
Thanks for your nice welcome comment on my site! Nice photo! I like your mention of Luxemburgerli - I'm going to have to take some photos when I'm in Zürich next week. They usually have special seasonal flavors. Yum!
z - actually, I prefer luxenburgerli to macarons. Macarons can be very sweet where as luxenburgerli is creamier. But my favorite is canelé, that slightly burnt orange flavored mini-bundt cake thingy.
wah.... ya ya, macro shots please :-)
i like the french pastries at this place called Provence in Holland Village, SG. It's actually a Jap Bakery which bakes superb jap and french stuff.
c'est amusant quand on se promene dans NYC, le nombre de "patisserie", de "boulangerie" à la française. je ne connais pas celle là, mais je suis d'accord avec alice, les Macarons de Ladurée c'est sublime. Hop encore une adresse dans mon carnet.
they is amusing when one walks in NYC, the number of “pastry making”, “bakery” to the French. I do not know that there, but I agrees with Alice, the Macaroons of Ladurée it is sublime. Hop still an address in my notebook.
keropok man - I have not master the Macro thing on my pocket digital camera yet. But I guess this is as good a reason as any to try it out.
So colourful photo!
i've tried once macarons.. they're really good! yummi yummmi
Oh I love this pic! We have nothing like that down here in the swamps.
Hmmm...favorite pastry..?
Haven't met a pastry I didn't like. heh.
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