Thursday, March 13, 2008

Lafayette Street & Bond Street

This is the East Village or specifically, Lafayette Street looking north from Bond Street. The building at the end of the street is the same building as the one I posted two days ago. The street looked somewhat empty because it just stopped raining. In a couple of hours, this area will be crawling with young hipsters and NYU students.

So where did you go to school? I went Northeast Louisiana University for undergraduate and graduate school.


Fénix - Bostonscapes said...

Great East Village scene, MIng. I like the semi-deserted look.

kezia*anastasia said...

what captured my sight was that iPod billboard ad!

I went to school here in Perth, Australia. I WAS originally going to go to school in San Fransisco - but for some reasons that didn't happen.

Kim said...

Great street scene, and an area I'd like to explore someday. One of my workmates was an NYU grad. Fun to see what that area looks like.
Seattle Daily Photo

alice said...

And what about you, dear Ming? You ask us many things but you don't speak a lot about yourself...So, where did you go to school? ;-)

Peter said...

A very nice picture! Cannot be taken anywhere but in NYC!

Alice is right! You must tell about yourself first!

Isadora said...

There is no place like NYC :)

I'll tell if you'll tell - Northeastern and WVa State and Marshall U for a while.

alice said...

Thank you for answering Ming!

stromsjo said...

What about those bike lanes, do drivers respect them? Obviously road traffic is never entirely safe but would you rely on the bike in the inner city? I suppose Stockholm is pretty safe statistically speaking but I'd be hesitant to ride a bike in there.

tigerfish said...

What time was it? Just outside where I'm staying, the main street never look like that! :(

Just Roaming The Cities said...

Im curious who the man is in the picture who's on the wall with "1 man, 4800 women?" back there. Do you know? Oh, and I went to school in the Twin Cities, MN.
Love your photos, especially the city shots that the rest of the nation just wonders about!

Anonymous said...

Amazing scene to me. It reminds me of a dog in a wire cage without a bed to rest on. Stark and cold and the only thing green in the picture is the traffic light. I could never get used to living like that. City life is not my choice. LOL

How wrong I am, by several millions.

sonia a. mascaro said...

Lafayette Street looks a very nice street. Great photo, Ming!

NormanTheDoxie said...

I'm familiar with that corner and you're so's headquarters to those NYU hipsters....where East Village meets NoHo.

I once at at a restaurant down the block, aptly named Bond Street.

Chris said...

Very neat photo, Ming!

I love school! I went to Walsh University for undergraduate, and The Ohio State University for graduate school. And, now I'm back in a low-residency graduate program (Thanks to the computer age!) at Murray STate University.

Janet said...

Great capture, with Gene Simmons in the background :-)