Some out-of-town friends and I went to an Off-Broadway show called
Naked Boys Singing yesterday evening when we came upon this impromptu body art project on 43rd Street between Broadway and 7th Avenue in Times Square. The artist was painting the bodies of some youngsters, including a very pretty girl who was also topless like these boys. I did not get a chance to ask the name of the artist nor what the project was about because the crowd was clambering over one another to take a photo of the girl's chest.
How serendipitous is that?!? Two R-rated events in one afternoon.
So what is the most serendipitous thing to happen to you?
It makes me wonder if I could go to NYC, stop someone, and from a small pot of face paint just paint a heart or something on someone's cheekbone. As they walked away, and if I looked expectantly and purposefully at passers-by, would strangers pause and receive it from me?
I'm disappointed you didn't get painted yourself, Ming.
Not enough serendipity here. Working on it though.
Uhuh, looks like The Naked Cowboy is getting some serious competition there. I thought he had a monopoly on the Times Square area.
The fact that I had to look up *serendipitous*, maybe?
Horace Walpole formed the word on an old name for Sri Lanka, Serendip. He explained that this name was part of the title of "a silly fairy tale, called The Three Princes of Serendip: as their highnesses traveled, they were always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things which they were not in quest of...."
I, too, would have loved to see a painted Ming!
I can imagine the crowd! (I think Americans need to go to some European beaches to get it out of their system.) Where the Singing Boys actually naked?
Tash - yes, they were! *blush*
Yes, I certainly would've gone to something if it was called Naked Boys Singing too!
Hmm yep...very interestng. ;D
Your naked boys singing link doesn't work. You left the dot com off. It is just as well, I couldn't find any naked boys. LOL
I think this is a neat photo. Half naked boys getting painted up. And we are left with our imaginations on the bare breasted beauty.
Oh Ming, you are walkin' on the wild side! I agree that Americans need to get it out of their system. The adults are just as bad as the children. Ming, I am certain YOU weren't snickering!
Pretty hilarious, dear Ming.
These guys are good sports to run around town looking like that!
Ming, you are holding out on us....c'mon....run the pic of the painted lady! We're all adults here...well, maybe I'm not!
Hello from Penny's Diner in Marysville, Kansas, which has free WiFi. There are not many other cities besides New York where this could happen. (Certainly not St. Louis.) This also makes me wonder what your friends are like.
Mild-manner Ming the Merciless turns into his alter ego, Ming the not-so Merciless when the sun goes down. :-)
Only in NY! A hoot from my perspective.
I hope those aren't indelible markers.
Ming, you are just all about the adventure!
I had a post the other week called Ramsey SerendipityI. This is miles better. I notice you passed the buck to your out of town friends for being around the topless body art girl.
Most random happy one for me. Fancied this guy on a TV quiz show. He was only on there as a stand in and was pissed. My best male friend, kidded me he was his other best mate. Well he wasn't kidding. One party invite later, the tv guy came for dinner and never left my flat. Me and Gary have been together ever since.That was 13 years ago. I blame the BBC.
i found $1 in starbucks a few months ago, that made my month.
Never got close to luck!
Good grief...the guy in the back...is he being painted? or is he just bored with this whole painting thing? :)
the body painting might happen in Singapore, but not the theatre show. LOL..
u should paint yourself ming ;-)
I have never heard of these guys, although I guess it doesn't surprise me since we live in the south. . . .although we have had concerts by Insane Clown Possee. Hmmm
Serendipitous moment: My best friend (college) tried to get me to write to her boyfriend's roommate. I finally did it when I was working the dorm switchboard one weekend and was bored. We eventually met a few months later. Long story short: Barb and Tom broke up. We got married. . . and here I am 30 years later. . . .
Naked Boys Singing is still running???
I saw it 5/6 years ago in the Village. maybe even longer ago than that!
I won $100 on a scratch off last week.
Creative body art, but you didn't get a photo of the topless beauty?! What a tease you are!!
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