Say HI to my new camera -- you can see it (in the reflection) in the middle of the photo above. It is a (used) Canon G9 with lots of
supped up capabilities that I'm still trying to figure out how to use. Also, my old camera is going to a good home so don't worry about the little guy. First, my parents are taking it to Hawaii next week for a nice vacation and then my 10-year old niece in LA is going to adopt it as her own. She is a budding photographer so I am looking forward to seeing what she does with the camera.
Where is your old camera? Please don't tell me it's sitting in a drawer somewhere, neglected and unappreciated.
all my old cameras broke so i just toss them.
Look at you with that snazzy new camera and this fabulous shot!!! You go MIng!
My old camera? It was a Nikon Cool Pix that belonged to my school. I took it to Paris and got some nice photos with it. Sometimes I long for those "automatic" days!!! I hope someone is using it and taking great photos of those cute kiddos. I do love my Canon Rebel though. Guess it's my new boyfriend! HA Well I don't leave home without him, and hey I can recharge HIS battery! teehee
PS I won't spend all my euros the first day... I hope!
oh, congrats on the new camera!
my old camera, yes as you said neglected and unappreciated. LOL
Many Congratulations on your new G9! I'm sure you are feeling sky high!
My Cam is a Kodak CX6200 which is obsolete now but still gives me good pics! Its been a while since I've put it to use now!
Do have a wonderful weekend!
This is a dazzling introduction! You could clip into this for your new avatar to match your new photos. 6^)
I'm still using my very first digital camera ever, and it's the same model you just passed along to your family. At some point, I should read the instruction booklet.
Cool photo, Ming. Guess it works :)
so HI to your new Canon G9 ;) How lucky yo are !Your niece is very lucky too ...
I like your shot .
what a lovely picture
I think Virginia got carried away talking about recharging his batteries. But I understand her and I got a she Canon Rebel and love her too. In fact I got two of them.
Got sidetracked there but wanted to acknowledge Virginia and her comment.
I do like this photo and the suit and all the reflections. I didn't see you camera in the picture. It was a nice story.
Wow, Ming. What a photograph! Sounds like you are well happy with your new camera and so you should be if it takes photographs like this! It's the photographer, often, tho, not the camera...
I wish you'd not asked what I did with my old camera - yes, it's in a drawer. I really must give it away. Right. I will...
Congrats on your new camera! Image stabilization is a feature I lust after. When I upgraded to a digital SLR, my old film SLR went in trade to reduce the cost of the new one at the camera store. Presumably, it has been sold to someone who is putting it to fine use. But I am officially done with film. I still have my first digital, a Canon PowerShot A630, which I still grab on occasion, a fine little camera. For nostalgia's sake, I also still have my first film SLR, a zero-featured workhorse that I bought as a teen. I haven't put a roll of film through it for a long time, but seeing it sitting on the bookshelf never fails to make me smile.
Hi Ming! Sorry for the long delay in coming here, but the last two weeks were too hectic!
Finally I managed to get to your blog, and see some wonderful pictures! Loved to see your new Canon G9. Congrats!! When you'll have learned about it, please tell so that I may put some queries; have one for more than one year but stil had no time to read the manual... ;))
No bikes allowed, made lots of sense... ;)
Glorious Flatiron!!
Meanwhile Blogtrotter is back to Greece in November 2007 and waits for your comments! Hope you enjoy and have a great weekend!
My first SLR camera, an old vivitar reflex is in a plastic bag, far away from the dust...and I kept its lenses for my Minolta camera.
I sitll use my Canon and my Minolta SLR cameras to take black an white pictures.
Don't worry, I'm not a prehistoric photograher :I bought 2 years ago a Digital Camera that I really enjoy.
Congrats on the new addition to your family ;-) Enjoy!!!
My old camera is a film type camera and I kept it cos I thought I would use it again but now I have got used to my little point'n'shoot Nikon digital, I don't think I will.
Maybe I'll Ebay it.
Hey, good for you, Ming! Wonderful introduction for your new camera. And how nice of you to pass your old one along to your niece -- hope she takes as many great photos with it as you have.
I have a big digital and a small one, and I use both of them. And I just got an old 35mm Pentax Spotmatic, with a couple of lenses, from a friend. (Hoping to shoot some b&w and maybe rent a few hours of darkroom time -- assuming you can still do that!)
My old camera is still with me, I use it every day!!!!
Ming, this is a fantastic pic! And you are right in the middle of it, so clever!
I love my G9... love it! As for my old camera, a little pocket nikon... you gotta pay it forward... it's now living happily with a friend who has been inspired to take lots and lots of photos.
So now m Canon G7 is out dated! I will have to live with it still for some time anyhow!
Too many, whole box of them. Never use them, never part with them. Remember, the photographer is more important than the camera. You've had some great shot before, beacuse you thoughtout the shot not the camera. Now go out some snazzy shots like this arty one.
Fantastic photo. the new camera lives up to its name!
My old camera was Phoebe's and she was glad to get it back once she had bought me my current one!
Ming, I see you! That is so cute.
Glad you finally broke down and got a new camera.
I give away my old cameras whenever I upgrade to one with more features....THOUGH, lately I've been using my iPhone camera, and sorry to say my digital camera is sitting in a drawer somewhere.
Ming, I went a little cross-eyed but I found you! After 3.5 years, my first digital camera, a Canon IS1 developed problems. But after a tip from another owner, I sent it in to Canon and they replaced it with a new Canon IS5, free.
Ooh, dazzling window display! Perfect introductory photo! :D
My husband and I just used to have one camera. I finally got my own itsy-bitsy one just this past September. Now the old one's his (but I miss its movable LCD display — it was perfect for catching people without their knowing).
I have a drawer full of them... Who wants to mess with film anymore??? Not me!
this is a fabulous photo!
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