This policeman kindly posed for me and a group of other tourists in SoHo this weekend. He looked super confident and yet friendly, which is what we like to see in our New York Police Department (NYPD).
Eliane from (the other) NYC Daily Photo posted also a photo of the NYC Mounted Unit recently. I guess they are everywhere in the city.
Have you ever ridden a horse? How was it?
Beautiful animal. The Mounted Police here in St. Paul attract lots of admirers. Yes, horseback riding is a real pleasure.
He's a really friendly looking guy.
--steve buser
New Orleans Daily Photo
A nice picture giving a nice image of the police force! We have also some friendly horse mounted police forces and nowadays, especially, a lot of them on bikes!
I like this photograph. If I were a little kid I would want my police officers to look like this one. What a contrast to the usual scenes involving police.
Some of these policemen and horses can be seen in Paris but I have not seen others in other French towns. And yes, I have been riding horses many times when I was younger, I loved that!
It´s a contrast NY. We don´t have horse mounted police in Setúbal.
I have ridden a horse, my favorite horse experience was riding through the jungles of Belize on horseback, it was breathtaking.
Lovely horse. Nice photo. Cheery policeman. Last time I rode I was about 8 years old - oh forgot - and when I was 20 living in Los Angeles. Went out to the desert and rode. Wonderful it was!
Oh that's a cute photo! He does look friendly and his horse is such a pretty color. I'm always amazed that the horses are so calm in the middle of all the traffic and noise here. I guess they are used to that. I love this shot!
P.S. I loved your fancy gourds from yesterday too. So colorful!!
Great shot. Last ride about 5 years ago on an estancia in Cordoba Argentina. The horses were Passo/Criollo's with fabulous gates, like riding your living room sofa. Neck reined, it equates to power steering. Good memories.
Awwww-cute horse! I used to ride quite alot recreationally when I was younger. I also rode through Zion National Park in Utah and once I rode in the snow. Didn't care for that much, because even though the horses wear special shoes, they still slip which made me nervous!
I miss riding horses. I used to when I was little.
Our finest rock!!! Very friendly picture indeed. Here in TS, they take pictures of tourists, they pose, ... they are freaking rock stars!
BTW, its Eliane (French name), not Elaine (American). ;)
How nice that he posed for you. He looks nice and friendly. I've never ridden a horse and I don't think I ever will.
I like this photo very much because of the officer's friendliness especially. As for riding a horse, the last time was July, 1978, in southern Missouri. I was pregnant with my younger son who ended up being born on Halloween! All in all, I liked riding the horse just fine. It was being that high off the ground that I didn't like very much.
Yes, I have ridden a horse several times. I do like riding them but haven't for some time now. My sister has two.
He's not really a cop... He's a Bloomberg propaganda actor on a horse!
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