Sunday, February 24, 2008

Brooklyn Bridge After A Snow Storm

We had a huge snow storm on Friday morning and as a result, my office was closed. So a couple of out-of-town friends and I decided to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge from Brooklyn to Manhattan. Why you ask? Because we could! This photo was taken as we got on the bridge from Brooklyn Heights. You can see the skyline of Manhattan in the background.

So what was the craziest thing you ever did during a snow storm?


Fénix - Bostonscapes said...

Ming, this photo is absolutely WONDERFUL. Well done, dude! :)

I'm going to bed with this gorgeous image of your city. Thank you for the treat. :)

Raghav said...

MY God!
You are a wonderful photographer!
A pro, are you?

Wonderful blog!

Jazzy said...

good that you made that walk over the brooklyn bridge, the photo is marvellous and i wish i could be there. i didn't see enough snow this winter unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

This is kind of creepy in a beautiful sort of way. It is really odd how it toys with my brains.

NormanTheDoxie said...

wow, Ming....I absolutely love that photo. Your need to have it framed and displayed in a gallery. For starters, it would look great in my apartment.

Kitty said...

Jealous! We had to go in and work. It was pretty terrible out.

I love the bridge. It's really one of my favorite places. I love the part where you can look down at the traffic, and getting to the promenade is so nice.

Great shot. Looks cold!

Todd HellsKitchen said...

This is your best photo EVER! Great capture!

Changes in the wind said...

Great picture and adventure:) Hope you had something hot when you got to the other side.

Clueless in Boston said...

Very nice picture. I like the low hanging clouds partially obscuring the buildings. It might have worked as a B&W too.

thwany said...

craziest thing i did during a snowstorm was not stay my ass home.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Ming. This picture is awesome. Major props extended your way.

Hmm, craziest thing I ever did in a snowstorm... probably drive voluntarily!

marley said...

I love this photo. It really is beautiful. I can feel the cold, and sense the City looming in the background. Well done!

b13 said...

Craziest thing in a snowstorm? Walked home, three quarters of a mile, after leaving a nite-club drunk at 3:30 am. But not before stopping at the all night bagel joint for a bacon cheese melt on a sesame seed bagel.

b13 said...

Did I mention that when I got home I realized I had no shoes on?

Jilly said...

I think I love this shot even more than today's Ming - meaning tomorrow's if you see what I mean.

Chris said...

I agree with Jilly. I do, however, question your sanity in wanting to be out in that stuff. ;-)

Craziest thing: We drove around Atlanta during a snowstorm. Of course, a snowstorm to Atlanta is 2 inches. ROTFLOL

Anonymous said...

I don't like snow and winter, but I really like your photo!

tigerfish said...

Never experienced a snow storm before. Even when in California, the place where I live did not have such a heavy storm.

Fabrizio Zanelli said...

This is a stunning photo and Raghav Talwar has a very good eye. Unfortunately he doesn't have any blog yet and / or email. I like that guy

Mo said...

Great photo!

sonia a. mascaro said...

WONDERFUL photo, Ming! Well done!