God's Love, We Deliver, where I volunteered as a kitchen helper for 5 years, provides free nutritious meals to men, women and children in New York City and Newark, NJ who have AIDS, cancer or any other serious illnesses. Volunteers usually work one three-hour shift per week where we chop, dice, peel and mince hundreds of pounds of potatoes, onions, carrots, celeries and other vegetables, which will then be cooked and packed for delivery the next day.
So what do you think of the girls on the float? Do you think they are "real girls"?
Ming, it was very admirable of you to volunteer for 'God's Love we deliver'. As for the 'girls ' on the float, they are beautiful! It's the beauty on the inside that counts. God Bless you Ming.
One looks real, the other doesn't. I've heard about this charity...you have supported a very good cause.
We have to wait for a gay prides like this. Our gay prides looks very bad. Max.3000 people and they have to be aware for attacks by far rights wings boys. What more the authorities do what they can to ban a gay prides.
It's called homophobia, but thay called it "avoid promotion of homosexuality".
They are very pretty gals :) I went to a cabaret in Bangkok many years ago and the girls there are so beautiful and so ultra feminine - more feminine than I could ever be.
ce coeur est magnifique, cela devait etre une belle parade, tres colorée. tu as fait la fete de la musique ?
this heart is splendid, that was to be a beautiful parade, very coloured. you had fun the festival of the music?
I appreciate very much your activity as voluntary. You're a beautiful person.
I have the feeling that the the gay parade here in Paris is not any more what it used to be. Maybe also that the "fight" for their rights is today somehow less needed? What about New York?
Funny, Gay Pride in Zurich was a few weeks ago, and they call it 'Christopher St. Day Parade" It was on June 1st, but I missed it because it was raining. I went a few years ago. It was fun, but they didn't have any floats like in NY. Mostly people dressed up and having fun.
First of all, I admire so much your voluntary's work! Well done!
I like the color of this photo, very cheer. I read another day that São Paulo's Gay Parade is the major of the world.
Wow, what a beautiful photo! So colorful!! Good for you for your volunteer service with God's Love. That's very impressive. We need more people like you!!
wow, that is amazing that you used to volunteer at that organization, that must have been very heartbreaking and beautiful all at once.
and as far as the girls on the float...I think girl is all relative, being next to a drag queen in a pageant as she is applying makeup convinced me of that, she was far prettier and knew more about makeup than I could ever hope too, so yes...they are girls in my book.
Of course not though 'the girls' look pretty Hawaian. There will be CSD here soon, too and a great parade, of course.
Great picture here today Ming. I guess they aren't real.
We're "singing in the rain"
South Shields Daily Photo
I genuinely wish sometimes I have time to volunteer. It's such a rewarding job. Anyway, the pics are fab. Wish I was able to make it.
Hi Ming, if you have the time, take a look on my brand new blog
ONLY PHOTOS where I will post only photos without words.
Ming, great photo and well done to you for the work you did with AIDS and cancer sufferers. Sounds like there was a mighty amount of time spent chopping veggies!
They are girls in my book whether they are girls or not.
By the way, not me on the Monte Carlo posting! I wish...
Those girls are very pretty, especially the one on the right. Couldn't give a definite answer to the gender question though.
Here in Manchester Gay Pride is very big, and there is a huge carnival all around the famous and imfamous Canal Street area.
Actually Ming it was an eight day trip not a two day. At the offset we thought it may well take eleven or twelve days but the winds were so ferocious we did it in just the eight!
uh uh they're what they really feel!
Cool party! in Madrid we have it next saturday! I wish I could joy them but I'm not sure if i would be out or in-town!
Of course they're "real girls" no matter what their drivers linceses say! :-)
Happy Pride
If you say you're a girl, that's good enough for me!
In BR, the MCC church hosted a Pride picnic this past weekend. No big parade, but a HUGE step forward for a conservative city.
wow! ming, you have a big heart volunteering.
so, you hate cooking, but enjoying cooking in a big kitchen :-)
Ming! It's time for you to get back to God's Love We Deliver! I love the pic, but you didn't take a picture of MOI??? Come-on!
Just kidding, I love this post!
Brandon, GLWD Volunteer Coordinator, 212-294-8184
Having known Ming for many years, he has consistently volunteered to help his fellow man. In college, he went above and beyond helping newbie international students feel welcome in a new country and college campus. When he moved to NYC, he began volunteering in the 'kitchens' slicing and dicing vegies to make meals for those in need. I'm truly honored to have such a wonderful friend. Keep up the amazing pictoral work my good friend...I wish you much success in all your endeavors.
Bri of DeltaMovies,
Thank you for your PR service. Your check is in the mail.
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